The Banal Banana

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fox News' Nutty Bunch

What Fox News has called a successful campaign against unjust taxation, tyranny, and who-the-hell-knows-what-else, has produced an all new chapter in the ever unfun saga of inflamed bigotry towards President Obama and his "hope"fuls.

Ignorant Example #1:

Madison, Wisconsin -

What?! Don't you remember that 43% of us whiteys voted for the guy?

That means approximately 105.6 MILLION whites, or nearly a third of the country voted for Obama. Does this guy really think that all these people would voluntarily vote themselves into slavery?

Fantastically Abhorrent Example #2:
Chicago, Illinois -
"The American Taxpayers Are The Jews For Obama's Ovens."

Even in Obama's home state, outrageous parallels were abundant.

This eloquent statement says many things to me.
1) This guy loves Jews.
2) He probably owns outrageously colored suits.
3) Even on a seemingly overcast day- he wears his sunglasses to look like a super fascist-fighting robot/ideologue.

Now on to my deductions from the aforementioned observations. Once you start likening your struggle into cases of history that has seen elimination/extermination of entire peoples, you better be getting fucking slaughtered at some pretty unjust gates or in the case of our fat and comfortable so called activists - in between your Starbucks and jelly donut topped with McDonalds french fries (which I <3) stop a C-123 cargo plane loaded with guns underneath the seats and dead "undocument immigrants" in the back-- that taxes on whites will become mandatory, but only on whites! -- that white children will be raped and their villages pillaged and burned and paganism abolished and the pope will hate us?? -- oops. What was I talking about?

Extremely Idiotic Example #3:
Somewhere Awesome, USA -
"Impeach Osama Obama AKA Hussein"

Oh yea... He's a terrorist! How could I forget? I absolutely voted for him because his name is utterly similar with the worlds most wanted man.

I especially like the look of her collagen-laden (or maybe their just naturally puffy) lips, which really offset the grey pavement of the giant Wal-Martesque vehicular esplanade. Classy.

So let me get this demographic right: we know you don't like the gays, our black president, anything socialized, Jews, Muslims, immigrants that don't speak English, hippies, and really anything that doesn't look, walk, talk, or peep like you. Ohhh right-wing, ultra-national conservatives, where would we be without you?...

Personally, I hope the President leads the way against these people and isolating their bigotry, telling them he still really wants to try to love them, which will undoubtedly leave them with festering boils of anti-Americanism to show to Fox News. They won't be unincluded, because that's not what we're about, they'll simply be made fun of as is oh so deserved (Daily Show!). The United States of America is not white, it is not Christian, it is an idea of freedom, security, and capability- not a land of exclusions and inclusions.

Note: Photos from The Huffington Post.